Package 'eks'

Title: Tidy and Geospatial Kernel Smoothing
Description: Extensions of the kernel smoothing functions from the 'ks' package for compatibility with the tidyverse and geospatial ecosystems <doi:10.1007/s00180-024-01543-9>.
Authors: Tarn Duong [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Tarn Duong <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3
Version: 1.0.7
Built: 2025-02-14 06:13:43 UTC

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This package extends the functionality of the kernel smoothing functions from the ks package in base R to the tidyverse and to GIS (Geographical Information Systems) ecosystems.


As the kernel smoothers from the ks package are prefixed as k*, their equivalents in eks are systematically named as follows:

  • tidy_k* for 1- and 2-d tidy data

  • st_k* for 2-d geospatial data.

The output data tibbles (tidy data frames provided by the tibble package) from tidy_k* can be visualised within the ggplot2 graphical interface, using the usual layer functions and the custom ones supplied in this package. These tidy_k* functions are analogous to those in the broom and related packages, though the latter tend to focus on tidying the summary diagnostic output from model fitting (and not on tidying the underlying estimates themselves), whereas tidy_k* are more substantive since they do compute tidy estimates.

The output simple feature geometries (provided by the sf package) from st_k* can be visualised in the (i) ggplot2 graphical interface using primarily the geom_sf layer function, or (ii) in the base R graphical interface using the plot method supplied in this package. These simple feature geometries can also be exported as standard geospatial formats (e.g. shapefile, GEOS geometry) for use in external GIS software such as ArcGIS and QGIS.


Tarn Duong


Chacon, J.E. & Duong, T. (2018) Multivariate Kernel Smoothing and Its Applications. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton.

Duong, T. (2024) Statistical visualisation for tidy and geospatial data in R via kernel smoothing methods in the eks package. Computational Statistics. DOI: 10.1007/s00180-024-01543-9.

Contour functions for tidy and geospatial kernel estimates


Contour functions for tidy and geospatial kernel estimates.


## S3 method for class 'tidy_ks'
contourLevels(x, cont=c(25,50,75), group=FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sf_ks'
contourLevels(x, cont=c(25,50,75), group=FALSE, ...)
contour_breaks(data, cont=c(25,50,75), group=FALSE)

st_get_contour(x, cont=c(25,50,75), breaks, which_deriv_ind, disjoint=TRUE,


x, data

tidy kernel estimate (output from tidy_k*) or geospatial kernel estimate (output from st_k*)


vector of contour levels. Default is c(25,50,75).


flag to compute contour levels per group. Default is FALSE.


tibble or vector of contour levels (e.g. output from contour_breaks)


derivative index (only required for st_kdde objects)


flag to compute disjoint contours. Default is TRUE.


flag to return polygons as point coordinates in tidy format. Default is TRUE.


factor variable


other parameters (not implemented)


By default, the 1% to 99% contours are computed for an st_k* output, though a plot of all 99 of them would be too crowded. st_get_contour selects a subset of these, as specified by cont. If a contour level in cont does not already exist or if absolute contour levels are specified in breaks, then the corresponding contours are computed. If disjoint=TRUE (default) then the contours are computed as a set of disjoint multipolygons: this allows for plotting without overlapping transparent colours. If disjoint=FALSE then the contours are overlapping and so their colours alpha-mixed, but they strictly satisfy the probabilistic definition, e.g. a 25% contour region is the smallest region that contains 25% of the probability mass defined by the kernel estimate, see geom_contour_ks.

Since these default probability contours are relative contour levels, they aren't suitable for producing a contour plot with fixed contour levels across all groups. It may require trial and error to obtain a single set of contour levels which is appropriate for all groups: one possible choice is provided by contour_breaks.


The output from contour_breaks is a tibble of the values of the contour breaks. The output from st_get_contour is an sf object of the contours as multipolygons.

See Also



data(crabs, package="MASS")
crabs2 <- dplyr::select(crabs, FL, CW, sex)
crabs2 <- dplyr::group_by(crabs2, sex)
t1 <- tidy_kde(crabs2)
b <- contour_breaks(t1)
ggplot(t1, aes(x=FL, y=CW)) + 
    geom_contour_filled_ks(colour=1, breaks=b) + facet_wrap(~sex)

crabs3 <- dplyr::select(crabs, FL, CW)
t2 <- tidy_kde(crabs3)
ggplot(t2, aes(x=FL, y=CW)) + 
    geom_contour_filled_ks(colour=1, cont=c(50,75,97.5))

## extract contour polygons
crabs2s <- sf::st_as_sf(crabs2, coords=c("FL","CW"))
t2 <- st_kde(crabs2s)
t2 <- st_get_contour(t2, breaks=b, as_point=TRUE)
t2 <- dplyr::rename(t2, FL=X, CW=Y)
ggplot(t2, aes(x=FL, y=CW)) + 
    geom_polygon(aes(fill=contlabel, subgroup=contlabel_group), col=1) + 
    scale_fill_viridis_d() + guides(fill=guide_legend(reverse=TRUE)) + 

Contour and filled contour plots for tidy kernel estimates


Contour and filled contour plots for tidy kernel estimates for 2-dimensional data.


geom_contour_ks(mapping=NULL, data=NULL, stat="contour_ks",
    position="identity", ..., cont=c(25,50,75), label_percent=NULL,
    breaks=NULL, show.legend=NA, inherit.aes=TRUE)
stat_contour_ks(mapping=NULL, data=NULL, geom="contour_ks",
    position="identity", ..., cont=c(25,50,75), label_percent=NULL,
    breaks=NULL, show.legend=NA, inherit.aes=TRUE)
geom_contour_filled_ks(mapping=NULL, data=NULL, stat="contour_filled_ks",
    position="identity", ..., cont=c(25,50,75), label_percent=NULL,
    breaks=NULL, show.legend=NA, inherit.aes=TRUE)
stat_contour_filled_ks(mapping=NULL, data=NULL, geom="contour_filled_ks",
    position="identity", ..., cont=c(25,50,75), label_percent=NULL,
    breaks=NULL, show.legend=NA, inherit.aes=TRUE)



Set of aesthetic mappings created by aes(). If specified and inherit.aes = TRUE (the default), it is combined with the default mapping at the top level of the plot. You must supply mapping if there is no plot mapping.


The data to be displayed in this layer. There are three options:

If NULL, the default, the data is inherited from the plot data as specified in the call to ggplot().

A data.frame, or other object, will override the plot data. All objects will be fortified to produce a data frame. See fortify() for which variables will be created.

A function will be called with a single argument, the plot data. The return value must be a data.frame, and will be used as the layer data. A function can be created from a formula (e.g. ~ head(.x, 10)).


The statistical transformation to use on the data for this layer, as a string.


Position adjustment, either as a string, or the result of a call to a position adjustment function.


Other arguments passed on to layer(). These are often aesthetics, used to set an aesthetic to a fixed value, like colour="red" or size=3. They may also be parameters to the paired geom/stat.


Vector of contour probabilities. Default value is cont=c(25,50,75).


Flag for legend label as percentage. Default is TRUE.


Numeric vector to set the contour breaks e.g. output from contour_breaks. Overrides cont.


logical. Should this layer be included in the legends? NA, the default, includes if any aesthetics are mapped. FALSE never includes, and TRUE always includes. It can also be a named logical vector to finely select the aesthetics to display.


If FALSE, overrides the default aesthetics, rather than combining with them. This is most useful for helper functions that define both data and aesthetics and shouldn't inherit behaviour from the default plot specification, e.g. borders().


The geometric object to use display the data.


These layer functions are modifications of the standard layer functions ggplot2::geom_contour, geom_contour_filled and ggplot2::stat_contour, stat_contour_filled. Their usage and output are similar, except that they require a tidy kernel estimate as the input, rather than the observations themselves, and that the underlying choice of the contour levels is different. For most cases, geom_contour_ks is equivalent to geom_contour(stat="contour_ks"), and likewise for geom_contour_filled_ks.

The choice of the contour levels are based on probability contours. A 25% contour region is the smallest region that contains 25% of the probability mass defined by the kernel estimate. Probability contours offer a more intuitive approach to selecting the contour levels that reveal the pertinent characteristics of the kernel estimates. See Chacon & Duong (2018, Chapter 2.2). They are specified by the cont parameter: the default value is cont=c(25,50,75), which computes the upper quartile, median and lower quartile probability contours. If percent_label=TRUE, then the legend labels are given as these percentage in cont. Otherwise, the labels are the contour levels themselves.

Since these probability contours are computed for each group of the grouping variable in data, then these relative contour levels are different for each group. To produce a contour plot with fixed contour levels across all groups, then these can be supplied in breaks: a possible choice is provided by contour_breaks.


Similar output as the standard layer functions ggplot2::geom_contour, geom_contour_filled and ggplot2::stat_contour, stat_contour_filled.


Chacon, J.E. & Duong, T. (2018) Multivariate Kernel Smoothing and Its Applications. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton.

See Also



data(crabs, package="MASS")
crabs2 <- dplyr::select(crabs, FL, CW, sp)
crabs2 <- dplyr::group_by(crabs2, sp)
tt <- tidy_kde(crabs2)
gt <- ggplot(tt, aes(x=FL, y=CW))
gt + geom_contour_ks() + facet_wrap(~sp)
gt + geom_contour(stat="contour_ks") + facet_wrap(~sp) ## same output
gt + geom_contour_filled_ks(colour=1) + facet_wrap(~sp)
gt + geom_contour_filled(stat="contour_filled_ks", colour=1) +
    facet_wrap(~sp) ## same output

Rug and scatter plots for tidy kernel estimates


Rug and scatter plots for tidy kernel estimates for 1- and 2-dimensional data.


geom_point_ks(mapping=NULL, data=NULL, stat="point_ks", position="identity", 
    ..., na.rm=FALSE, jitter=FALSE, show.legend=NA, inherit.aes=TRUE) 
stat_point_ks(mapping=NULL, data=NULL, geom="point_ks", position="identity", 
    ..., na.rm=FALSE, show.legend=NA, inherit.aes=TRUE)
geom_rug_ks(mapping=NULL, data=NULL, stat="rug_ks", position="identity", 
    ..., outside=FALSE, sides="bl", length=unit(0.03, "npc"), na.rm=FALSE, 
    jitter=FALSE, show.legend=NA, inherit.aes=TRUE) 
stat_rug_ks(mapping=NULL, data=NULL, geom="rug_ks", position="identity", 
    ..., na.rm=FALSE, show.legend=NA, inherit.aes=TRUE)



Set of aesthetic mappings created by aes(). If specified and inherit.aes = TRUE (the default), it is combined with the default mapping at the top level of the plot. You must supply mapping if there is no plot mapping.


The data to be displayed in this layer. There are three options:

If NULL, the default, the data is inherited from the plot data as specified in the call to ggplot().

A data.frame, or other object, will override the plot data. All objects will be fortified to produce a data frame. See fortify() for which variables will be created.

A function will be called with a single argument, the plot data. The return value must be a data.frame, and will be used as the layer data. A function can be created from a formula (e.g. ~ head(.x, 10)).


The statistical transformation to use on the data for this layer, as a string.


Position adjustment, either as a string, or the result of a call to a position adjustment function.


Other arguments passed on to layer(). These are often aesthetics, used to set an aesthetic to a fixed value, like colour="red" or size=3. They may also be parameters to the paired geom/stat.


If FALSE, the default, missing values are removed with a warning. If TRUE, missing values are silently removed.


Flag to jitter data before plot. Default value is FALSE.


logical that controls whether to move the rug tassels outside of the plot area. Default is off (FALSE). You will also need to use coord_cartesian(clip = "off"). When set to TRUE, also consider changing the sides argument to "tr". See examples.


A string that controls which sides of the plot the rugs appear on. It can be set to a string containing any of "trbl", for top, right, bottom, and left.


A grid::unit() object that sets the length of the rug lines. Use scale expansion to avoid overplotting of data.


logical. Should this layer be included in the legends? NA, the default, includes if any aesthetics are mapped. FALSE never includes, and TRUE always includes. It can also be a named logical vector to finely select the aesthetics to display.


If FALSE, overrides the default aesthetics, rather than combining with them. This is most useful for helper functions that define both data and aesthetics and shouldn't inherit behaviour from the default plot specification, e.g. borders().


The geometric object to use display the data


These layer functions are modifications of the standard layer functions ggplot2::geom_point, ggplot2::geom_rug and ggplot2::stat_point. Their usage and output are similar, except that they require a tidy kernel estimate as the input, rather than the observations themselves. For most cases, geom_rug_ks is equivalent to geom_rug(stat="rug_ks"), and likewise for geom_point_ks.


Similar output as the standard layer functions ggplot2::geom_point, ggplot2::geom_rug and ggplot2::stat_point.


data(crabs, package="MASS")

## rug plot for tidy 1-d kernel density estimate
crabs1 <- dplyr::select(crabs, FL)
t1 <- tidy_kde(crabs1)
g1 <- ggplot(t1, aes(x=FL)) + geom_line()
g1 + geom_rug_ks(colour=4) 
g1 + geom_rug(stat="rug_ks", colour=4) ## same output

## scatter plot for tidy 2-d kernel density estimate
crabs2 <- dplyr::select(crabs, FL, CW)
t2 <- tidy_kde(crabs2)
g2 <- ggplot(t2, aes(x=FL, y=CW)) 
g2 + geom_contour_ks(colour=1) + geom_point_ks(colour=4) 
g2 + geom_contour(stat="contour_ks", colour=1) +
    geom_point(stat="point_ks", colour=4) ## same output

Geographical locations of Grevillea plants in Western Australia


The wa data set contains the polygon of the administrative boundary of Western Australia (excluding islands). The grevillea data set contains the locations of 22303 grevillea plants in Western Australia.




wa is an sf object, whose geometry is the polygon in the EPSG:7850 (GDA2020/MGA zone 50) projection.

grevilleasf is an sf object with 22303 rows and 2 attributes. Each row corresponds to an observed plant. The first column is the full scientific name, the second is the species name. The geometry is the point location of the plant in the EPSG:7850 (GDA2020/MGA zone 50) projection. This is a superset of the grevillea dataset in the ks package.


Atlas of Living Australia (2021). Grevillea occurrence. Accessed on 2021-08-18.

Geoscape Australia (2021). WA State Boundary – Geoscape Administrative Boundaries. Accessed on 2021-08-18.

Change individual colours in discrete colour scale to transparent


Change individual colours in discrete colour scale to transparent.


scale_transparent(x, ind=NULL)



discrete colour scale


index of colour scale to change to transparent. Default is median.


The output is the same colour scale, except that the colours at the indices enumerated by ind are changed to transparent.


## see ? tidy_kdde

Add coordinates as attributes to geospatial data


Add coordinates as attributes to geospatial data.


st_add_coordinates(x, as_sf=FALSE, as_tibble=FALSE, rename=TRUE)



sf object with point geometry


flag for output as sf object. Default is TRUE.


flag for output as tibble. Default is TRUE.


flag to rename output from X,Y to lon,lat. Default is TRUE.


The sf::st_coordinates is applied to obtain the longitude and latitude coordinates.


The longitude and latitude of the point geometry are added as attributes.


hakeoides <- dplyr::filter(grevilleasf, species=="hakeoides")
hakeoides_coord <- st_add_coordinates(hakeoides)

Tidy and geospatial kernel cumulative distribution and copula estimates


Tidy and geospatial versions of kernel cumulative distribution estimates for 1- and 2-dimensional data, and kernel copula estimates for 2-dimensional data.


tidy_kcde(data, ...)
tidy_kcopula(data, ...)
st_kcde(x, ...)



data frame/tibble of data values


sf object with point geometry


other parameters in ks::kcde, ks::kcopula functions


For details of the computation of the kernel distribution and copula estimates, and of the bandwidth selector procedures, see ?ks::kcde, ?ks::kcopula.


The outputs from *_kcde have the same structure as the kernel density estimate from *_kde, except that estimate indicates the cumulative distribution rather than the density values. Likewise for tidy_kcopula.


data(crabs, package="MASS")
## tidy 1-d distribution estimate per species
crabs1 <- dplyr::select(crabs, FL, sp)
crabs1 <- dplyr::group_by(crabs1, sp)
t1 <- tidy_kcde(crabs1)
gt1 <- ggplot(t1, aes(x=FL)) 
gt1 + geom_line(colour=1) + geom_rug_ks(colour=4) + facet_wrap(~sp)

## tidy 2-d copula estimate
crabs2 <- dplyr::select(crabs, FL, CW)
t2 <- tidy_kcopula(crabs2)
gt2 <- ggplot(t2, aes(x=FL, y=CW)) 
gt2 + geom_contour_filled_ks(colour=1, cont=seq(10,90,by=10))

## geospatial distribution estimate
paradoxa <- dplyr::filter(grevilleasf, species=="paradoxa")
paradoxa_crop <- sf::st_crop(paradoxa, xmin=4e5, xmax=8e5, ymin=6.4e6, ymax=6.65e6)
paradoxa_bbox <- sf::st_as_sfc(sf::st_bbox(paradoxa_crop))
xminb <- sf::st_bbox(paradoxa_crop)[1:2]
xmaxb <- sf::st_bbox(paradoxa_crop)[3:4]
s1 <- st_kcde(paradoxa_crop, xmin=xminb, xmax=xmaxb)

## base R filled contour plot
xlim <- c(1.2e5, 1.1e6); ylim <- c(6.1e6, 7.2e6)
plot(wa, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
plot(paradoxa_bbox, add=TRUE, lty=3, lwd=2)
plot(s1, add=TRUE)

## geom_sf filled contour plot
gs1 <- ggplot(s1) + geom_sf(data=wa, fill=NA) + ggthemes::theme_map() 
gs1 + geom_sf(data=paradoxa_bbox, linewidth=1.2, linetype="dotted", fill=NA) +
    geom_sf(data=st_get_contour(s1), aes(fill=label_percent(contlabel))) +
    scale_fill_viridis_d() + coord_sf(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)

Tidy and geospatial kernel summary density curvature estimates


Tidy and geospatial versions of kernel summary density curvature estimates for 2-dimensional data.


tidy_kcurv(data, ...)
st_kcurv(x, ...)



tidy kernel density curvature estimate (output from tidy_kdde(deriv_order=2))


geospatial density curvature estimate (output from st_kdde(deriv_order=2))


other parameters in ks::kcurv function


A kernel density summary curvature estimate is a modification of a kernel density curvature estimate where the matrix of second order partial derivative values is summarised as a scalar value. For details of the computation of the kernel density summary curvature estimate, see ?ks::kcurv. The bandwidth matrix of smoothing parameters is computed as in ks::kdde(deriv_order=2).


The output from *_kcurv have the same structure as the input kernel density curvature estimate from *_kdde, except that estimate indicates the summary curvature values rather than the density curvature values, and that deriv_group for each of the partial derivatives is collapsed into a single grouping.


## tidy kernel summary density curvature estimate
data(crabs, package="MASS")
crabs2 <- dplyr::select(crabs, FL, CW)
t1 <- tidy_kdde(crabs2, deriv_order=2)
t2 <- tidy_kcurv(t1)
gt1 <- ggplot(t2, aes(x=FL, y=CW)) 
gt1 + geom_contour_filled_ks(colour=1) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="Oranges")

## geospatial kernel summary density curvature estimate
hakeoides <- dplyr::filter(grevilleasf, species=="hakeoides")
s1 <- st_kdde(hakeoides, deriv_order=2)
s2 <- st_kcurv(s1)

## base R plot
xlim <- c(1.2e5, 1.1e6); ylim <- c(6.1e6, 7.2e6)
plot(wa, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
plot(s2, add=TRUE)

## geom_sf plot
gs1 <- ggplot(s2) + geom_sf(data=wa, fill=NA) + ggthemes::theme_map()
gs1 + geom_sf(data=st_get_contour(s2), aes(fill=label_percent(contlabel))) +
    colorspace::scale_fill_discrete_sequential(h1=30,c1=360,c2=30) +
    coord_sf(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)

Tidy and geospatial kernel discrimination analysis (classification)


Tidy and geospatial versions of kernel discrimination analysis (classification) for 1- and 2-dimensional data.


tidy_kda(data, ...)
st_kda(x, ...)



grouped tibble of data values


sf object with grouping attribute and with point geometry


other parameters in ks::kda function


A kernel discriminant analysis (aka classification or supervised learning) assigns each grid point to the group with the highest density value, weighted by the prior probabilities.

The output from *_kda have the same structure as the kernel density estimate from *_kde, except that estimate is the weighted kernel density values at the grid points (weighted by prior_prob), and label becomes the KDA grouping variable that indicates to which of the groups the grid points belong. The output is a grouped tibble, grouped by the input grouping variable.

For details of the computation of the kernel discriminant analysis and the bandwidth selector procedure, see ?ks::kda. The bandwidth matrix of smoothing parameters is computed as in ks::kde per group.


–For tidy_kda, the output is an object of class tidy_ks, which is a tibble with columns:


evaluation points in x-axis (name is taken from 1st input variable in data)


evaluation points in y-axis (2-d) (name is taken from 2nd input variable in data)


weighted kernel density estimate values


prior probabilities for each group


first row (within each group) contains the untidy kernel estimate from ks::kda


short object class label derived from the ks object class


estimated KDA group label at (x,y)


grouping variable (same as input).

–For st_kda, the output is an object of class st_ks, which is a list with fields:


tibble of simplified output (ks, tks, label, group) from tidy_kda


sf object of grid of weighted kernel density estimate values, as polygons, with attributes estimate, label, group copied from the tidy_ks object


sf object of 1% to 99% contour regions of weighted kernel density estimate, as multipolygons, with attributes contlabel derived from the contour level; and estimate, group copied from the tidy_ks object.


## tidy discriminant analysis (classification)
data(cardio, package="ks")
cardio <- dplyr::as_tibble(cardio[,c("ASTV","Mean","NSP")])
cardio <- dplyr::mutate(cardio, NSP=ordered(NSP))
cardio <- dplyr::group_by(cardio, NSP)
cardio.train.ind <- sample(1:nrow(cardio), round(nrow(cardio)/4,0))
cardio.train <- cardio[cardio.train.ind,]
cardio.train1 <- dplyr::select(cardio.train, ASTV, NSP)
cardio.train2 <- dplyr::select(cardio.train, ASTV, Mean, NSP)

## tidy 1-d classification
t1 <- tidy_kda(cardio.train1) 
gt1 <- ggplot(t1, aes(x=ASTV)) 
gt1 + geom_line(aes(colour=NSP)) + 
    geom_rug(aes(colour=label), sides="b", linewidth=1.5) +
    scale_colour_brewer(palette="Dark2", na.translate=FALSE) 

## tidy 2-d classification
t2 <- tidy_kda(cardio.train2)
gt2 <- ggplot(t2, aes(x=ASTV, y=Mean)) + theme_bw()
gt2 + geom_contour_ks(aes(colour=NSP)) + 
    geom_tile(aes(fill=label), alpha=0.2) +
    scale_fill_brewer(palette="Dark2", na.translate=FALSE) +

## geospatial classification
grevillea_gr <- dplyr::filter(grevilleasf, species=="hakeoides" |
grevillea_gr <- dplyr::mutate(grevillea_gr, species=factor(species))  
grevillea_gr <- dplyr::group_by(grevillea_gr, species)
s1 <- st_kda(grevillea_gr)
s2 <- st_ksupp(st_kde(grevillea_gr))
s1$grid <- sf::st_filter(s1$grid, sf::st_convex_hull(sf::st_union(s2$sf)))

## base R plot
xlim <- c(1.2e5, 1.1e6); ylim <- c(6.1e6, 7.2e6)
plot(wa, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
plot(s1, which_geometry="grid", add=TRUE, border=NA, legend=FALSE)
plot(s1, add=TRUE, lwd=2, border=rep(colorspace::qualitative_hcl(
    palette="Dark2", n=2, alpha=0.5), each=3))

## geom_sf plot
gs1 <- ggplot(s1) + geom_sf(data=wa, fill=NA) + 
    geom_sf(data=dplyr::mutate(s1$grid, species=label), aes(fill=species), 
    alpha=0.1, colour=NA) + ggthemes::theme_map()
gs1 + geom_sf(data=st_get_contour(s1), aes(colour=species), fill=NA) +
    colorspace::scale_colour_discrete_qualitative(palette="Dark2") +
    colorspace::scale_fill_discrete_qualitative(palette="Dark2") +
    facet_wrap(~species) + coord_sf(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)

Tidy and geospatial kernel deconvolved density estimates


Tidy and geospatial versions of kernel deconvolved density estimates for 1- and 2-dimensional data.


tidy_kdcde(data, ...)



data frame/tibble of data values


sf object with point geometry


other parameters in ks::kdcde function


A deconvolved kernel density estimate is a modification of the standard density estimate for data observed with error. This version is based on a weighted kernel density estimate. For details of the computation of the kernel deconvolved density estimate and the bandwidth selector procedure, see ?ks::kdcde.


The output from *_kdcde have the same structure as the standard kernel density estimate from *_kde.


## tidy 2-d deconvolved density estimate
data(air, package="ks")
air <- na.omit(air[, c("time","co2","pm10")])
air <- dplyr::filter(air, time=="20:00")
air <- dplyr::select(air, co2, pm10)
## for details on computation of Sigma.air, see ?ks::kdcde
Sigma.air <- diag(c(6705.765, 957.664)) 

t1 <- tidy_kde(air)
t2 <- tidy_kdcde(air, Sigma=Sigma.air, reg=0.00021)
t3 <- dplyr::bind_rows(dplyr::mutate(t1, group=1L), dplyr::mutate(t2, group=2L))
t3$group <- factor(t3$group, label=c("Standard KDE","Deconvolved KDE"))
t3 <- as_tidy_ks(t3)

## deconvolved estimate is more clearly bimodal than standard KDE 
gt <- ggplot(t3, aes(x=co2, y=pm10)) 
gt + geom_contour_filled_ks(colour=1) + 
    colorspace::scale_fill_discrete_sequential() + facet_wrap(~group)

Tidy and geospatial kernel density derivative estimates


Tidy and geospatial versions of kernel density derivative estimates for 1- and 2-dimensional data.


tidy_kdde(data, deriv_order=1, ...)
st_kdde(x, deriv_order=1, ...)



data frame/tibble of data values


derivative order. Default is 1.


sf object with point geometry


other parameters in ks::kdde function


The output from *_kdde have the same structure as the kernel density estimate from *_kde, except that estimate is the kernel density derivative values at the grid points, and the additional derived grouping variable deriv_group is the index of the partial derivative, e.g. "deriv (1,0)" and "deriv (0,1)" for a first order derivative for 2-d data. The output is a grouped tibble, grouped by the input grouping variable (if it exists) and by deriv_group.

For details of the computation of the kernel density derivative estimate and the bandwidth selector procedure, see ?ks::kdde.


–For tidy_kdde, the output is an object of class tidy_ks, which is a tibble with columns:


evaluation points in x-axis (name is taken from 1st input variable in data)


evaluation points in y-axis (2-d) (name is taken from 2nd input variable in data)


kernel density derivative estimate values


derivative order (same as input)


index of partial derivative


first row (within each group) contains the untidy kernel estimate from ks::kde


short object class label derived from the ks object class


long object class label


grouping variable (if grouped input) (name is taken from grouping variable in data)


additional derived grouping variable on partial derivative indices.

–For st_kdde, the output is an object of class st_ks, which is a list with fields:


tibble of simplified output (deriv_ind, ks, tks, label, group, deriv_group) from tidy_kdde


sf object of grid of kernel density derivative estimate values, as polygons, with attributes estimate, deriv_ind, group, deriv_group copied from the tidy_ks object


sf object of 1% to 99% contour regions of the kernel density derivative estimate, as multipolygons, with attributes contlabel derived from the contour level; and estimate, deriv_ind, group, deriv_group copied from the tidy_ks object.


data(crabs, package="MASS")
## 1-d density curvature estimate
crabs1 <- dplyr::select(crabs, FL)
t1 <- tidy_kdde(crabs1, deriv_order=2)
gt1 <- ggplot(t1, aes(x=FL))
gt1 + geom_line(colour=1) + geom_rug_ks(colour=4)

## 2-d density gradient estimate
crabs2 <- dplyr::select(crabs, FL, CW)
t2 <- tidy_kdde(crabs2, deriv_order=1) 
gt2 <- ggplot(t2, aes(x=FL, y=CW)) + 
gt2 + geom_contour_ks(aes(group=deriv_group, colour=after_stat(level))) +
    colorspace::scale_colour_discrete_diverging() + facet_wrap(~deriv_group)
gt2 + geom_contour_filled_ks(colour=1) + facet_wrap(~deriv_group)
## second partial derivative f^(0,1) only
gt2 + geom_contour_filled_ks(data=dplyr::filter(t2, deriv_ind==2), colour=1)

## geospatial density derivative estimate
hakeoides <- dplyr::filter(grevilleasf, species=="hakeoides")
s1 <- st_kdde(hakeoides, deriv_order=1)
s1_cont <- st_get_contour(s1, which_deriv_ind=1)
s1_cont2 <- st_get_contour(s1, which_deriv_ind=2, cont=c(25,50,75, 97.5))
s1_cont3 <- st_get_contour(s1, breaks=contour_breaks(s1))

## base R filled contour plot
xlim <- c(1.2e5, 1.1e6); ylim <- c(6.1e6, 7.2e6)
plot(wa, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
plot(s1, add=TRUE, which_deriv_ind=1)

## geom_sf filled contour plot
gs <- ggplot(s1) + geom_sf(data=wa, fill=NA) +
    colorspace::scale_fill_discrete_diverging() + ggthemes::theme_map()
gs + geom_sf(data=s1_cont, aes(fill=label_percent(contlabel)))  +
    coord_sf(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
gs + geom_sf(data=s1_cont2, aes(fill=label_percent(contlabel))) +
    coord_sf(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)

## facet wrapped geom_sf filled contour plot
## each facet = each partial derivative 
gs + geom_sf(data=s1_cont3, aes(fill=contlabel)) +
    coord_sf(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) + facet_wrap(~deriv_group)

Tidy and geospatial kernel density estimates


Tidy and geospatial versions of kernel density estimates for 1- and 2-dimensional data.


tidy_kde(data, ...)
st_kde(x, ...)



data frame/tibble of data values


sf object with point geometry


other parameters in ks::kde function


For tidy_kde, the first columns of the output tibble are copied from aes(x) (1-d) or aes(x,y) (2-d). These columns are the evaluation grid points. The estimate column is the kernel density values at these grid points. The group column is a copy of the grouping variable of the input data. The ks column is a copy of the untidy kernel estimate from ks::kde, since the calculations for the layer functions geom_contour_ks, geom_contour_filled_ks require both the observations data and the kernel estimate as a kde object. For this reason, it is advised to compute a tidy kernel estimate first and then to create a ggplot with this tidy kernel estimate as the default data in the layer.

For st_kde, the output list contains the field tidy_ks which is the output from tidy_ks. The field grid is the kernel estimate values, with rectangular polygons. The field sf is the 1% to 99% probability contour regions as multipolygons, with the derived attribute contlabel = 100%-cont.

The structure of the tidy_kde output is inherited from the input, i.e. if the input is a data frame/ (grouped) tibble then the output is a data frame/(grouped) tibble. Likewise for the sf object outputs for st_kde.

The default bandwidth matrix is the unconstrained plug-in selector ks::Hpi, which is suitable for a wide range of data sets, since it is not restrained to smoothing along the coordinate axes. This produces a kernel estimate which is more representative of the data than with the default bandwidth in geom_density_2d and geom_density_2d_filled. For further details of the computation of the kernel density estimate and the bandwidth selector procedure, see ?ks::kde.


–For tidy_kde, the output is an object of class tidy_ks, which is a tibble with columns:


evaluation points in x-axis (name is taken from 1st input variable in data)


evaluation points in y-axis (2-d) (name is taken from 2nd input variable in data)


kernel estimate values


first row (within each group) contains the untidy kernel estimate from ks::kde


short object class label derived from the ks object class


long object class label


grouping variable (if grouped input) (name is taken from grouping variable in data).

–For st_kde, the output is an object of class st_ks, which is a list with fields:


tibble of simplified output (ks, tks, label, group) from tidy_kde


sf object of grid of kernel density estimate values, as polygons, with attributes estimate, group copied from the tidy_ks object


sf object of 1% to 99% contour regions of kernel density estimate, as multipolygons, with attributes contlabel derived from the contour level; and estimate, group copied from the tidy_ks object.


## tidy density estimates
data(crabs, package="MASS")
## tidy 1-d density estimate per species
crabs1 <- dplyr::select(crabs, FL, sp)
crabs1 <- dplyr::group_by(crabs1, sp)
t1 <- tidy_kde(crabs1)
gt1 <- ggplot(t1, aes(x=FL)) 
gt1 + geom_line(colour=1) + geom_rug_ks(colour=4) + facet_wrap(~sp)

## tidy 2-d density estimate
## suitable smoothing matrix gives bimodal estimate
crabs2 <- dplyr::select(crabs, FL, CW)
t2 <- tidy_kde(crabs2)
gt2 <- ggplot(t2, aes(x=FL, y=CW)) 
gt2 + geom_contour_filled_ks(colour=1) + 

## default smoothing matrix in geom_density_2d_filled() gives unimodal estimate
gt3 <- ggplot(crabs2, aes(x=FL, y=CW)) 
gt3 + geom_density_2d_filled(bins=4, colour=1) +
    colorspace::scale_fill_discrete_sequential() +
    guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Density", reverse=TRUE))

## facet wrapped geom_sf plot with fixed contour levels for all facets
crabs3 <- dplyr::select(crabs, FL, CW, sex)
t3 <- tidy_kde(dplyr::group_by(crabs3, sex))
b <- contour_breaks(t3)
gt3 <- ggplot(t3, aes(x=FL, y=CW)) 
gt3 + geom_contour_filled_ks(colour=1, breaks=b) + 
    colorspace::scale_fill_discrete_sequential() + facet_wrap(~sex)

## geospatial density estimate
hakeoides <- dplyr::filter(grevilleasf, species=="hakeoides")
hakeoides_coord <- data.frame(sf::st_coordinates(hakeoides))
s1 <- st_kde(hakeoides)

## base R plot
xlim <- c(1.2e5, 1.1e6); ylim <- c(6.1e6, 7.2e6)
plot(wa, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
plot(s1, add=TRUE)

## geom_sf plot
## suitable smoothing matrix gives optimally smoothed contours
gs1 <- ggplot(s1) + geom_sf(data=wa, fill=NA) + ggthemes::theme_map() +
gs1 + geom_sf(data=st_get_contour(s1), aes(fill=label_percent(contlabel))) +
    coord_sf(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) 

## default smoothing matrix in geom_density_2d_filled() is oversmoothed
gs2 <- ggplot(hakeoides_coord) + geom_sf(data=wa, fill=NA) + 
gs2 + geom_density_2d_filled(aes(x=X, y=Y), bins=4, colour=1) +
    colorspace::scale_fill_discrete_sequential(palette="Heat2") +
    guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Density", reverse=TRUE)) +
    coord_sf(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) 

## Not run: ## export as geopackage for external GIS software
sf::write_sf(wa, dsn="grevillea.gpkg", layer="wa")
sf::write_sf(hakeoides, dsn="grevillea.gpkg", layer="hakeoides")
sf::write_sf(gs1_cont, dsn="grevillea.gpkg", layer="hakeoides_cont")
sf::write_sf(s1$grid, dsn="grevillea.gpkg", layer="hakeoides_grid")
## End(Not run)

Tidy and geospatial kernel density estimates with variable kernels


Tidy and geospatial versions of kernel density estimates with variable kernels for 2-dimensional data.


tidy_kde_balloon(data, ...)
tidy_kde_sp(data, ...)
st_kde_balloon(x, ...)
st_kde_sp(x, ...)



data frame/tibble of data values


sf object with point geometry


other parameters in ks::kde.balloon, ks::kde.sp functions


A variable kernel density estimate is a modification of the standard density estimate where the bandwidth matrix is variable. There are two main types: balloon kernel estimates (*_kde_balloon) where the bandwidth varies with the grid point, and sample point kernel estimates (*_kde_sp) where the bandwidth varies with the data points. For details of the computation of the variable kernel estimates and of the bandwidth selector procedure, see ks::kde.balloon, ks::kde.sp.


The outputs from *_kde_balloon, *_kde_sp have the same structure as the standard kernel density estimate from *_kde.


## tidy variable density estimates
data(worldbank, package="ks")
worldbank <- dplyr::as_tibble(worldbank)
wb2 <- na.omit(worldbank[,c("GDP.growth", "inflation")])
xmin <- c(-70,-25); xmax <- c(25,70)

## standard density estimate
t1 <- tidy_kde(wb2, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)
## sample point variable density estimate
t2 <- tidy_kde_sp(wb2, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)
tt <- c(t1, t2, labels=c("Standard KDE","Sample point KDE"))

## fixed contour levels for all three plots
b <- contour_breaks(tt)
gt <- ggplot(tt, aes(x=GDP.growth, y=inflation)) 
gt + geom_contour_filled_ks(breaks=b, colour=1) + 
    colorspace::scale_fill_discrete_sequential() + facet_wrap(~group)

## balloon variable density estimate
## gridsize=c(21,21) only for illustrative purposes
t3 <- tidy_kde_balloon(wb2, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, gridsize=c(21,21))
tt <- c(t1, t2, t3, labels=c("Standard KDE","Sample point KDE","Balloon KDE"))
b <- contour_breaks(tt, cont=seq(10,90,by=10))
gt + geom_contour_filled_ks(data=tt, breaks=b, colour=1) + 
    colorspace::scale_fill_discrete_sequential() + facet_wrap(~group)

## geospatial variable density estimates
hakeoides <- dplyr::filter(grevilleasf, species=="hakeoides")

## standard density estimate
s1 <- st_kde(hakeoides)
## sample point variable density estimate
s2 <- st_kde_sp(hakeoides)   
s3 <- c(s1, s2, labels=c("Standard KDE","Sample point KDE"))
b <- contour_breaks(s3)
bcols <- colorspace::sequential_hcl(nrow(b), palette="Heat2", rev=TRUE)

## base R plot
xlim <- c(1.2e5, 1.1e6); ylim <- c(6.1e6, 7.2e6)
plot(wa, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
plot(s1, add=TRUE, col=bcols[1:2], breaks=b)
plot(wa, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
plot(s2, add=TRUE, col=bcols, breaks=b)

## geom_sf plot
gs <- ggplot(s3) + geom_sf(data=wa, fill=NA) + ggthemes::theme_map()
gs + geom_sf(data=st_get_contour(s3, breaks=b), aes(fill=contlabel)) + 
    colorspace::scale_fill_discrete_sequential(palette="Heat2") +
    coord_sf(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) + facet_wrap(~group)

Tidy and geospatial kernel density estimates with boundary and truncated kernels


Tidy and geospatial versions of kernel density estimates with boundary and truncated kernels for 1- and 2-dimensional data.


tidy_kde_boundary(data, ...)
tidy_kde_truncate(data, boundary, ...)
st_kde_boundary(x, ...)
st_kde_truncate(x, boundary, ...)



data frame/tibble of data values


sf object with point geometry


data frame/sf point geometry of boundary


other parameters in ks::kde.boundary function


A boundary kernel density estimate is a modification of the standard density estimate for bounded data. There are two main types: beta kernels (boundary.kernel="beta") and linear kernels (boundary.kernel="linear"). For details of the computation of the boundary kernel estimates and of the bandwidth selector procedure, see ks::kde.boundary. Currently only rectangular boundaries are supported, as defined by xmin x xmax.

A truncated kernel density estimate is a modification of the standard density estimate for bounded data. All the probability mass outside of boundary is set to zero and re-assigned over the regions inside in the boundary. The boundary can be any polygon. For further details of the computation of the truncated kernel estimate, see ks::kde.truncate.

For details of the computation of the boundary kernel estimates and the truncated kernel density estimates, and of the bandwidth selector procedure, see ks::kde.boundary, ks::kde.truncate.


The outputs from *_kde_boundary, *_kde_truncate have the same structure as the standard kernel density estimate from *_kde.


## tidy boundary density estimates
data(worldbank, package="ks")
worldbank <- dplyr::as_tibble(worldbank)
## percentage data is bounded on [0,100] x [0,100]
wb2 <- na.omit(worldbank[,c("internet", "ag.value")])
xmin <- c(0,0); xmax <- c(100,100)
rectb <- data.frame(x=c(0,100,100,0,0), y=c(0,0,100,100,0))

## standard density estimate
t1 <- tidy_kde(wb2)
## beta boundary density estimate
t2 <- tidy_kde_boundary(wb2, boundary.kernel="beta", xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)
## linear boundary density estimate
t3 <- tidy_kde_boundary(wb2, boundary.kernel="linear", xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)
## tidy truncated density estimate
t4 <- tidy_kde_truncate(wb2, boundary=rectb)

t5 <- c(t1, t2, t3, t4, labels=c("Standard KDE","Beta bd KDE", "Linear bd KDE",
    "Truncated KDE"))

## standard estimate exceeds boundary but not boundary or truncated estimates
gr <- geom_polygon(data=rectb, inherit.aes=FALSE, aes(x=x,y=y), 
    fill=NA, colour=1, linetype="dashed")
gt <- ggplot(t5, aes(x=internet,y=ag.value)) 
gt + geom_contour_ks(aes(colour=group)) + gr + facet_wrap(~group)

## geospatial boundary density estimates
hakeoides <- dplyr::filter(grevilleasf, species=="hakeoides")
hakeoides_crop <- sf::st_crop(hakeoides, xmin=4e5, xmax=5.7e5, ymin=6.47e6, ymax=7e6)
hakeoides_bbox <- sf::st_as_sfc(sf::st_bbox(hakeoides_crop))
xminb <- sf::st_bbox(hakeoides_crop)[1:2]
xmaxb <- sf::st_bbox(hakeoides_crop)[3:4]
s1 <- st_kde(hakeoides_crop)
s2 <- st_kde_boundary(hakeoides_crop, boundary.kernel="beta", 
    xmin=xminb, xmax=xmaxb)
s3 <- st_kde_boundary(hakeoides_crop, boundary.kernel="linear", 
    xmin=xminb, xmax=xmaxb)
## geospatial truncated density estimate    
s4 <- st_kde_truncate(x=hakeoides_crop, boundary=hakeoides_bbox)
s5 <- c(s1, s2, s3, s4, labels=c("Standard KDE","Beta bd KDE", "Linear bd KDE",
    "Truncated KDE"))

## base R plots
xlim <- c(1.2e5, 1.1e6); ylim <- c(6.1e6, 7.2e6)
plot(wa, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
plot(hakeoides_bbox, add=TRUE, lty=3, lwd=2)
plot(s1, add=TRUE, border=1, col="transparent", legend=FALSE)
plot(s2, add=TRUE, border=2, col="transparent", legend=FALSE)
mapsf::mf_legend(type="symb", val=c("Standard KDE","Beta bd KDE"), pal=c(1,2), 
    cex=rep(3,2), pch=rep("-",2), title="Density", pos="bottomleft")

plot(wa, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
plot(hakeoides_bbox, add=TRUE, lty=3, lwd=2)
plot(s1, add=TRUE, border=1, col="transparent", legend=FALSE)
plot(s3, add=TRUE, border=3, col="transparent", legend=FALSE)
mapsf::mf_legend(type="symb", val=c("Standard KDE","Linear bd KDE"), pal=c(1,3), 
    cex=rep(3,2), pch=rep("-",2), title="Density", pos="bottomleft")

plot(wa, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
plot(hakeoides_bbox, add=TRUE, lty=3, lwd=2)
plot(s1, add=TRUE, border=1, col="transparent", legend=FALSE)
plot(s4, add=TRUE, border=4, col="transparent", legend=FALSE)
mapsf::mf_legend(type="symb", val=c("Standard KDE","Truncated KDE"), pal=c(1,4), 
    cex=rep(3,2), pch=rep("-",2), title="Density", pos="bottomleft")

## geom_sf plots
gs <- ggplot(s1) + geom_sf(data=wa, fill=NA) + 
    geom_sf(data=hakeoides_bbox, linewidth=1.2, linetype="dotted", fill=NA) + 
    geom_sf(data=dplyr::mutate(st_get_contour(s1), gr="Standard KDE"), 
        aes(colour=gr), fill=NA) + ggthemes::theme_map()
gs + geom_sf(data=st_get_contour(s5), aes(colour=group), fill=NA) +
    coord_sf(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) + facet_wrap(~group)

Tidy and geospatial kernel density based local two-sample comparison tests


Tidy and geospatial versions of kernel density based local two-sample comparison tests for 1- and 2-dimensional data.


tidy_kde_local_test(data1, data2, labels, ...)
st_kde_local_test(x1, x2, labels, ...)


data1, data2

data frames/tibbles of data values

x1, x2

sf objects with point geometry


flag or vector of strings for legend labels


other parameters in ks::kde.local.test function


A kernel local density based two-sample comparison is a modification of the standard kernel density estimate where the two data samples are compared. A Hochberg procedure is employed to control the significance level for multiple comparison tests.

For details of the computation of the kernel local density based two-sample comparison test and the bandwidth selector procedure, see ?ks::kde.local.test. The bandwidth matrix of smoothing parameters is computed as in ks::kde per data sample.

If labels is missing, then the first sample label is taken from x1, and the second sample label from x2. If labels="default" then these are "f1" and "f2". Otherwise, they are assigned to the values of the input vector of strings.


The output has the same structure as the kernel density estimate from *_kde, except that estimate is the difference between the density values data1-data2 rather than the density values, and label becomes an indicator factor of the local comparison test result: "f1<f2" = data1 < data2, 0 = data1 = data2, "f2>f1" = data1 > data2.

The output from st_kde_local_test has two contours, with contlabel=-50 (for f1<f2) and contlabel=50 (for f1>f2), as multipolygons which delimit the significant difference regions.


## tidy local test between unsuccessful and successful grafts
data(hsct, package="ks")
hsct <- dplyr::as_tibble(hsct)
hsct <- dplyr::filter(hsct, PE.Ly65Mac1 >0 & APC.CD45.2>0)
hsct6 <- dplyr::filter(hsct, subject==6)   ## unsuccessful graft 
hsct6 <- dplyr::select(hsct6, PE.Ly65Mac1, APC.CD45.2)
hsct12 <- dplyr::filter(hsct, subject==12) ## successful graft 
hsct12 <- dplyr::select(hsct12, PE.Ly65Mac1, APC.CD45.2)
t1 <- tidy_kde_local_test(data1=hsct6, data2=hsct12)
gt <- ggplot(t1, aes(x=PE.Ly65Mac1, y=APC.CD45.2)) 
gt + geom_contour_filled_ks() + 
        palette="Dark2", rev=TRUE, breaks=c("hsct6<hsct12","hsct6>hsct12"), order=c(2,1,3)))

## geospatial local test between Grevillea species
hakeoides <- dplyr::filter(grevilleasf, species=="hakeoides")
paradoxa <- dplyr::filter(grevilleasf, species=="paradoxa")
s1 <- st_kde_local_test(x1=hakeoides, x2=paradoxa)

## base R plot
xlim <- c(1.2e5, 1.1e6); ylim <- c(6.1e6, 7.2e6)
plot(wa, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
plot(s1, add=TRUE)

## geom_sf plot
gs <- ggplot(s1) + geom_sf(data=wa, fill=NA) + ggthemes::theme_map() 
gs + geom_sf(data=st_get_contour(s1), aes(fill=label)) +
    colorspace::scale_fill_discrete_qualitative(palette="Dark2", rev=TRUE) +
    coord_sf(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)

Tidy and geospatial kernel density ridge estimates


Tidy and geospatial versions of kernel density ridge estimates for 2-dimensional data.


tidy_kdr(data, dTolerance, ...)
st_kdr(x, dTolerance, ...)



data frame/tibble of data values


sf object with point geometry


tolerance parameter in sf::st_simplify for reducing complexity of density ridge


other parameters in ks::kdr function


A density ridge can be interpreted as the line connecting the peaks in the kernel density estimate, like for a mountain range. It can also be interpreted as the filament generalisation of 2-d principal components. For details of the computation and the bandwidth selection procedure of the kernel density ridge estimate, see ?ks::kdr. The bandwidth matrix of smoothing parameters is computed as in ks::kdde(deriv_order=2).

To reduce the complexity of the density ridge, a call to sf::st_simplify(,dTolerance) is made. If dTolerance is missing, then it defaults to approximately the mean distance between each pair of consecutive points in each segment of the density ridge. If dTolerance=0 then this step of Ramer-Douglas-Peucker simplification is not carried out.


The output from *_kdr have the same structure as the kernel density estimate from *_kde, except that x,y indicate the points on the density ridge, rather than the grid points themselves, and estimate becomes NA. For st_kdr, the density ridge is stored as a multipoints sf object.


## tidy density ridge estimate
data(cardio, package="ks")
cardio <- dplyr::as_tibble(cardio[,c("ASTV","Mean")])
cardio <- cardio[sample(1:nrow(cardio), round(nrow(cardio)/4,0)),]
## gridsize=c(21,21) is for illustrative purposes only
## remove for more complete KDR
t1 <- tidy_kdr(cardio, gridsize=c(21,21))
gt <- ggplot(t1, aes(x=ASTV, y=Mean)) 
gt + geom_point_ks(colour=3, alpha=0.8) + 
    geom_path(aes(colour=label, group=segment), linewidth=1.2, alpha=0.8) +

## geospatial density ridge estimate
hakeoides <- dplyr::filter(grevilleasf, species=="hakeoides")
## gridsize=c(21,21) is for illustrative purposes only 
## remove for more complete KDR
s1 <- st_kdr(hakeoides, gridsize=c(21,21))

## base R plot
xlim <- c(1.2e5, 1.1e6); ylim <- c(6.1e6, 7.2e6)
plot(wa, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
plot(sf::st_geometry(hakeoides), add=TRUE, col=3, pch=16)
plot(s1, add=TRUE, col=6, lwd=3, alpha=0.8)

## geom_sf plot
gs <- ggplot(s1) + geom_sf(data=wa, fill=NA) + ggthemes::theme_map()
gs + geom_sf(data=hakeoides, colour=3, alpha=0.5) +
    geom_sf(data=s1$sf, aes(colour=label), linewidth=1.2, alpha=0.8) +
    scale_colour_manual(values=6) + coord_sf(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)

Tidy and geospatial kernel feature significance


Tidy and geospatial versions of kernel feature significance for 1- and 2-dimensional data.


tidy_kfs(data, ...)
st_kfs(x, ...)



data frame/tibble of data values


sf object with point geometry


other parameters in ks::kfs function


A significant kernel curvature region consist of all points whose density curvature value is significantly different less than zero (i.e. forms a bump surrounding a local maximum). A Hochberg procedure is employed to control the significance level for multiple significance tests.

For details of the computation of the significant kernel curvature regions, see ?ks::kfs. The bandwidth matrix of smoothing parameters is computed as in ks::kdde(deriv_order=2).


The output from tidy_kfs has the same structure as the kernel density estimate from tidy_kde, except that all values of estimate outside of the significant curvature regions are set to zero, and the label indicates whether the corresponding x,y point is inside a significant curvature region.

The output from st_kfs has a single contour, with contlabel=50, as a multipolygon which delimits significant curvature regions.


## tidy significant curvature regions
data(hsct, package="ks")
hsct <- dplyr::as_tibble(hsct)
hsct <- dplyr::filter(hsct, PE.Ly65Mac1>0 & APC.CD45.2>0)
hsct12 <- dplyr::filter(hsct, subject==12)   
hsct12 <- dplyr::select(hsct12, PE.Ly65Mac1, APC.CD45.2)
t1 <- tidy_kfs(hsct12)
gt <- ggplot(t1, aes(x=PE.Ly65Mac1, y=APC.CD45.2)) 
gt + geom_contour_filled_ks(aes(colour=label), colour=1) +

## geospatial significant curvature regions
hakeoides <- dplyr::filter(grevilleasf, species=="hakeoides")
s1 <- st_kfs(hakeoides)

## base R plot
xlim <- c(1.2e5, 1.1e6); ylim <- c(6.1e6, 7.2e6)
plot(wa, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
plot(s1, add=TRUE)

## geom_sf plot
gs <- ggplot(s1) + geom_sf(data=wa, fill=NA) + ggthemes::theme_map() 
gs + geom_sf(data=st_get_contour(s1, cont=50), aes(fill=label)) +
    scale_fill_manual(values=7) + coord_sf(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)

Tidy and geospatial kernel mean shift clustering


Tidy and geospatial versions of a kernel mean shift clustering for 1- and 2-dimensional data.


tidy_kms(data, ...)
st_kms(x, ...)



data frame/tibble of data values


sf object with point geometry


other parameters in ks::kms function


Mean shift clustering is a generalisation of kk-means clustering (aka unsupervised learning) which allows for non-ellipsoidal clusters and does not require the number of clusters to be pre-specified. The mean shift clusters are determined by following the initial observations along the density gradient ascent paths to the cluster centre.

For details of the computation and the bandwidth selection procedure of the kernel mean shift clustering, see ?ks::kms. The bandwidth matrix of smoothing parameters is computed as in ks::kdde(deriv_order=1).


The output from *_kms have the same structure as the kernel density estimate from *_kde, except that x,y indicate the data points rather than the grid points, and estimate indicates the mean shift cluster label of the data points, rather than the density values.


## tidy 2-d mean shift clustering 
data(crabs, package="MASS")
crabs2 <- dplyr::select(crabs, FL, CW)
t1 <- tidy_kms(crabs2)
## convex hulls of clusters
t2 <- dplyr::group_by(t1, estimate)
t2 <- dplyr::slice(t2, chull(FL,CW))

gt <- ggplot(t1, aes(x=FL, y=CW)) 
gt + geom_point(aes(colour=estimate)) +
    geom_polygon(data=t2, aes(fill=estimate), alpha=0.1)

## geospatial mean shift clustering 
hakeoides <- dplyr::filter(grevilleasf, species=="hakeoides")
s1 <- st_kms(hakeoides)
## convex hulls of clusters
s2 <- dplyr::group_by(s1$sf, estimate)
s2 <- dplyr::summarise(s2, geometry=sf::st_combine(geometry))
s2 <- sf::st_convex_hull(s2)

## base R plot
xlim <- c(1.2e5, 1.1e6); ylim <- c(6.1e6, 7.2e6)
plot(wa, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
plot(s1, add=TRUE, pch=16, pal=function(.){
    colorspace::qualitative_hcl(n=., palette="Set2")})
plot(s2, add=TRUE, lty=3, pal=function(.){
    colorspace::qualitative_hcl(n=., palette="Set2", alpha=0.15)})

## geom_sf plot
gs <- ggplot(s1) + geom_sf(data=wa, fill=NA) + ggthemes::theme_map()
gs + geom_sf(data=s1$sf, aes(colour=estimate), alpha=0.5) + 
    geom_sf(data=s2, aes(fill=estimate), linetype="dotted", alpha=0.15) + 
    colorspace::scale_colour_discrete_qualitative(palette="Set2") +
    colorspace::scale_fill_discrete_qualitative(palette="Set2") +
    coord_sf(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)

Tidy and geospatial kernel density quiver estimate


Tidy and geospatial versions of a kernel density quiver estimate for 2-dimensional data.


tidy_kquiver(data, thin=5, transf=1/4, neg.grad=FALSE)
st_kquiver(x, thin=5, transf=1/4, neg.grad=FALSE, scale=1)



tidy kernel density gradient estimate (output from tidy_kdde(deriv_order=1))


geospatial kernel density gradient estimate (output from st_kdde(deriv_order=1))


number to thin out estimation grid. Default is 5.


power index in transformation. Default is 1/4.


flag to compute arrows in negative gradient direction. Default is FALSE.


scale factor to normalise length of arrows. Default is 1.


A kernel quiver estimate is a modification of the standard kernel density gradient estimate in *_kdde where the density derivatives are not given in the separate groups as indexed in deriv_group, but as extra columns u (for deriv_group=(1,0)) and v (for deriv_group=(0,1)).

The bandwidth matrix of smoothing parameters is computed as in ks::kdde(deriv_order=1).


The output from tidy_kquiver has the same structure as the input kernel density gradient estimate, with the added columns u,v for the density gradient value in the xx-, yy-axis. This structure is compatible with the ggquiver::geom_quiver layer function for quiver plots.

Since ggquiver::geom_quiver is not compatible with geom_sf layers, the output from st_kquiver has added columns lon, lat, lon_end, lat_end, len which are required in geom_segment.


## tidy kernel quiver estimate
data(crabs, package="MASS")
crabs2 <- dplyr::select(crabs, FL, CW)
t1 <- tidy_kde(crabs2)
t2 <- tidy_kdde(crabs2, deriv_order=1)
t3 <- tidy_kquiver(t2, thin=5) 
gt <- ggplot(t1, aes(x=FL, y=CW)) 
gt + geom_contour_filled_ks(colour="grey50", cont=seq(10,90,by=10)) +
    colorspace::scale_fill_discrete_sequential(alpha=0.5) + 
    ggquiver::geom_quiver(data=t3, aes(u=u, v=v), colour=6)

## geospatial kernel `quiver' estimate
hakeoides <- dplyr::filter(grevilleasf, species=="hakeoides")
hakeoides_coord <- st_add_coordinates(hakeoides)
s1 <- st_kde(hakeoides)
s2 <- st_kdde(hakeoides, deriv_order=1)
s3 <- st_kquiver(s2, thin=9) 

## base R plot
xlim <- c(1.2e5, 1.1e6); ylim <- c(6.1e6, 7.2e6)
plot(wa, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
plot(s1, add=TRUE, alpha=0.5, border="grey50")
plot(s3$tidy_ks$ks[[1]], add=TRUE, display="quiver")

## geom_sf plot - ggquiver::geom_quiver not compatible with ggplot2::geom_sf layers
## use instead geom_segment 
gs <- ggplot(s1) + geom_sf(data=wa, fill=NA) + ggthemes::theme_map()
gs + geom_sf(data=st_get_contour(s1), aes(fill=label_percent(contlabel)), alpha=0.5) +
    geom_segment(data=s3$sf, aes(x=lon, xend=lon_end, y=lat, yend=lat_end), 
    arrow=grid::arrow(length=0.05*s3$sf$len)) + 
    colorspace::scale_fill_discrete_sequential("Heat2") + 
    coord_sf(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)

Tidy and geospatial kernel receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve


Tidy and geospatial versions of kernel receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for 1- and 2-dimensional data.


tidy_kroc(data1, data2, ...)
st_kroc(x1, x2, ...)


data1, data2

data frames/tibbles of data values

x1, x2

sf objects with point geometry


other parameters in ks::kroc function


A kernel ROC curve is a modification of the standard kernel distribution estimate where the two data samples are compared. For details of the computation and the bandwidth selection procedure of the kernel density ROC curve, see ?ks::kroc. The bandwidth matrix of smoothing parameters is computed as in ks::kcde per data sample.


The output has the same structure as the 1-d kernel distribution estimate from *_kcde, except that fpr (xx-variable) is the false positive rate (complement of specificity) and estimate is the true positive rate (sensitivity), rather than the usual estimation grid points and cdf values.


## 2-d kernel ROC curve between unsuccessful and successful grafts
data(hsct, package="ks")
hsct <- dplyr::as_tibble(hsct)
hsct <- dplyr::filter(hsct, PE.Ly65Mac1 >0 & APC.CD45.2>0)
hsct6 <- dplyr::filter(hsct, subject==6)   ## unsuccessful graft 
hsct6 <- dplyr::select(hsct6, PE.Ly65Mac1, APC.CD45.2)
hsct12 <- dplyr::filter(hsct, subject==12) ## successful graft 
hsct12 <- dplyr::select(hsct12, PE.Ly65Mac1, APC.CD45.2)
t1 <- tidy_kroc(data1=hsct6, data2=hsct12)
ggplot(t1, aes(x=fpr)) + geom_line(colour=1) 

## geospatial ROC curve between Grevillea species
hakeoides <- dplyr::filter(grevilleasf, species=="hakeoides")
paradoxa <- dplyr::filter(grevilleasf, species=="paradoxa")
s1 <- st_kroc(x1=hakeoides, x2=paradoxa)
ggplot(s1, aes(x=fpr)) + geom_line(colour=1)

Tidy and geospatial kernel support estimate


Tidy and geospatial versions of a kernel support estimate for 2-dimensional data.


tidy_ksupp(data, cont=95, convex_hull=TRUE, ...)
st_ksupp(x, cont=95, convex_hull=TRUE, ...)



tidy kernel density estimate (output from tidy_kde)


spatial kernel density estimate (output from st_kde)


scalar contour level. Default is 95.


flag to compute convex hull of contour region. Default is TRUE.


other parameters in ks::ksupp function


The kernel support estimate is considered to be the cont% probability contour of the kernel density estimate, with an additional convex hull calculation if convex_hull=TRUE. For details of the computation of the kernel support estimate, see ?ks::ksupp.


The output from *_ksupp have the same structure as the kernel density estimate from *_kde, except that x,y indicate the boundary of the density support estimate (if convex.hull=TRUE) or the grid points inside the density support (if convex.hull=FALSE), rather than the complete grid points themselves.

For st_kdr, the density support estimate is stored as a (multi)polygon sf object.


## tidy density support estimate
data(crabs, package="MASS")
crabs2 <- dplyr::select(crabs, FL, CW)
t1 <- tidy_kde(crabs2)
t2 <- tidy_ksupp(t1)
ggplot(t1, aes(x=FL, y=CW)) + 
    geom_contour_filled_ks(cont=c(25,50,75,95), colour="grey50") +
    geom_polygon(data=t2, aes(linetype=label), fill=NA, colour=1) +
    colorspace::scale_fill_discrete_sequential() +
    scale_linetype_manual(values="dashed", name="Support\nconvex hull")

ggplot(t2, aes(x=FL, y=CW)) + 
    geom_polygon(data=t2, aes(colour=label), fill=NA, linetype="dashed") +
    geom_point_ks(data=t1, colour=3) + scale_colour_manual(values=1)

## geospatial density support estimate
hakeoides <- dplyr::filter(grevilleasf, species=="hakeoides")
s1 <- st_kde(hakeoides)
s2 <- st_ksupp(s1)
s3 <- st_ksupp(s1, cont=97.5)

## base R plot
xlim <- c(1.2e5, 1.1e6); ylim <- c(6.1e6, 7.2e6)
plot(wa, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
plot(s1, cont=c(25,50,75,95,97.5), add=TRUE, border="grey50")
plot(sf::st_geometry(hakeoides), add=TRUE, pch=16, col=1)
plot(s2, add=TRUE, lty=2, lwd=2)
plot(s3, add=TRUE, lty=3, lwd=2)

## geom_sf plot
gs1 <- ggplot(s1) + geom_sf(data=wa, fill=NA) + ggthemes::theme_map()
gs1 + geom_sf(data=st_get_contour(s1, cont=c(25,50,75,95,97.5)),
    aes(fill=label_percent(contlabel)), col="grey50") +
    aes(linetype=contlabel), fill=NA, colour=1) + 
    aes(linetype=contlabel), fill=NA, colour=1) + 
    geom_sf(data=hakeoides, aes(colour=species)) +
    colorspace::scale_fill_discrete_sequential(palette="Heat2") +
    scale_colour_manual(values=c(1,1)) + 
    guides(colour=guide_legend(title="Locations")) +
    name="Support\nconvex hull") +
    coord_sf(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)

Plots for tidy and geospatial kernel estimates


Plots for tidy and geospatial kernel estimates.


## S3 method for class 'tidy_ks'
ggplot(data=NULL, mapping=aes(), ...)
## S3 method for class 'sf_ks'
ggplot(data=NULL, mapping=aes(), ..., which_geometry="sf")
## S3 method for class 'sf_ks'
plot(x, ...)


data, x

object of class tidy_ks (output from tidy_k*) or object of class sf_ks (output from st_k*)


default list of aesthetic mappings to use for plot.


type of geometry to display: one of c("sf", "grid"). Default is "sf".


other graphics parameters. See below.


For tidy_ks objects, the ggplot method adds some default aesthetics based on derived variables in the computed kernel estimate. These are aes(y=estimate, weight=ks) (1-d) and are aes(z=estimate, weight=ks) (2-d). These derived variables computed in the tibble output from tidy_k* are: estimate is the kernel estimate value and ks is the untidy version of the kernel estimate, which is required to compute contour levels. The ggplot method also adds some default labels for the axes and grouping variable, and some default formatting for the legends. These defaults replicate the appearance of the corresponding plots from the ks package.

For sf_ks objects, the ggplot method is similar to the above method, except no default aesthetics are added. The function header for the plot method is

    plot(x, which_geometry="sf", percent_label=TRUE, cont=c(25,50,75), 
      abs_cont, which_deriv_ind=1, main="", legend=TRUE, ...)



type of geometry to display: one of c("sf", "grid"). Default is "sf".


vector of percentages for contour heights


vector of values for contour heights


index for partial derivative for density derivative estimate. Default is 1.


main plot label. Default is "".


flag to add legend. Default is TRUE. The output from mapsf::mf_legend in base R is not as robust as the legend output in ggplot2.


other graphics parameters in the plot method for sf objects or for mapsf::mf_legend.


ggplot plot object is created. Base R plot is sent to graphics window.

See Also
